
Whether you’re a beginner or very experienced athlete, preventing excitement and competition from making you think that you’re ready to add an extra 20 kgs. to the bar for a workout is a challenge. The battle of choosing what weight you should use can be a tough one, so here are some tips to keep in mind.

#1: Be honest with yourself — safety comes first.

No matter what level you’re at, you are not invincible, injury is always a possibility. Don’t allow yourself to feel pressured to use the same weight as the person next to you. It’s important to measure yourself against yourself because only you know how your body really feels. Track your progress and use your own notes as a benchmark.

#2: Value your coaches.

CrossFit gyms around the world have some amazing coaches, so use their knowledge and experience to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, that’s what they’re there for. They can help you understand your ability and strengths and weaknesses to better assess what weight you are capable of safely handling.

#3: Recognise that all progress counts.

Don’t let yourself be discouraged by the fact that you don’t use Rx weights yet, no matter what level you started at, every time you are able to cut your time, up your rounds, or increase your weight a little, it means you are improving. With dedication you will eventually reach all your goals so there’s no need to rush into it and push yourself too far beyond your present limits. The more you progress with correct form, the stronger and healthier you will be in the long run.

#4: Keep your goals in check.

There is a right time and place to test your limits to their maximum. In the middle of a WOD is not one of them. Form quickly breaks down while working out as your muscles get tired, making you more susceptible to injury. Use your WODs to improve your time and round counts while using weights you know you can handle. Save the heavy lifting and strength training for another time. You can work on increasing your lifts and strength on the side, with a coach’s help, and while taking the proper amount of rest. If you maintain proper form and increase your lifts slowly, you will gain more strength for your WODs.

#5: Remember what CrossFit is all about.

After all, the goal of CrossFit is to create a broad, general, and inclusive fitness. CrossFit wants to harness the potential we all have within us and prepare all of its athletes for the unknown and unknowable. Keep in mind the sum of coach Greg Glassman’s famous equation:

CVFM @ HI + Communal Environment = Health

Constantly varied (CV), functional movements (FM), performed at a high intensity (HI), along with the communal environment of a CrossFit box, all leads to the ultimate goal of health and fitness. The universal scalability of CrossFit is what makes it’s fundamental movements so important for everyone to work on. So remember to scale appropriately, health, and not injury, is the goal here.

In the end, remember that your fitness will always be a journey. Whether you Rx workouts now or not, track your progress and learn about your body’s own strengths and weaknesses — make sure to push yourself just the right amount!

– The WOD Life