
The Wall Ball Walk

If you’re anything like the athletes at my box, after hitting a tough wall ball workout, CrossFit Cowboy Swagger going on. Give these Yin Poses a go to stretch out those tight quads, hip flexors and glutes.

1. Swan (Hold Time: 3-5mins)

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a) Start in Downward Facing Dog. Raise your right leg into the air and then lunge it toward your hands, resting your right knee on the ground behind your right wrist. Your right foot may sit anywhere between your left wrist and your groin.

b) Rest your left leg on the ground ensuring your left hip, knee and ankle are in one straight line.

c) Ensure your weight is not unevenly distributed or dropping off to the right or left side.

d) You can either rest on the palms of your hands, drop down to your elbows or rest your forehead on the ground and arms outstretched in front of you. (Sit in a variation that your body allows. You will find as the minutes pass by you will move deeper into the pose, but allow this to happen naturally without force).


2. Dragon (Hold Time: 3-5mins)

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a) Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Raise your right leg into the air then lunge it forward so your right foot is near your right hand. Ensure your right knee is at a 90 degree angle (or more).

b) Rest your left leg on the ground ensuring your left hip, knee and ankle are in one straight line. (If you have tender knees roll a towel up and place under your knee cap)

c) Place both hands on the inside of your right leg. Or if you’re able, rest your forearms on the ground.

d) Surrender to gravity and allow the weight of your torso to fall toward the ground as the minutes pass by. Ensure that you’re not rolling off to the left or the right side as you deepen into the pose.

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