We don’t mean to judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest: a person reveals a lot about themselves based on the Stance socks they wear. We know, we know — it’s what’s on the inside that counts. We agree 100%… until we start talking about sock choice. Are these a part of your gym attire? Here what your Stance socks say about you.

1. Star Wars

star wars stance socks

Um, it’s only the greatest movie of all time. If you’re wearing these to the box, one can only assume you’re there for one reason: to be the best.

2. Vintage Disney

vintage disney stance socks

We’re taking it way back with vintage Disney and good old Donald Duck. You’ve got one hell of a sense of humor and bring joy and belly laughs to everyone at the box.

3. Captain America

captain america stance socks

He’s only the greatest superhero who ever lived. Captain America is your spirit animal. You’re always the one cheering the loudest for the last person to finish the WOD.

4. Bruce Lee

bruce lee stance socks

There will never be another Bruce Lee. His dedication, commitment, and loyalty to his sport were beyond admirable. You aim to embody the same traits at the gym.

5. Float

float stance socks

You’re here to chill out, have a good time, and maybe catch a few rays. You love your local box, but you love pool time equally. Don’t forget your SPF.

6. Anaconda Classic

classic anaconda stance socks

You’re strong. You’re fierce. You’re fast. Nobody can keep up with you.

7. Positive Vibes

positive vibes

You don’t let anything get to you — not a missed PR, not an ugly Fran, not even your gym rival beating you at your favourite WOD. You’re nothing but good vibes.

Shop for your next pair of Stance socks at The WOD Life today!