There are times when people look experienced on their CV but perform differently in real life. If we rely on just that paper, we might end up disappointed that our expectations for the person are not met. Internships are a way for CrossFit boxes to gain competent coaches. Instead of going through the typical hiring process, internships eliminate the skill gap that box owners usually find when hiring a new coach. That said, the best way to have good coaches is to train them yourself.

For most boxes, an internship program would require these interns to act as a watchful eye during classes. They can also act as a shadow or assistant coach during one-on-one sessions. The required number of hours varies; but throughout the program, interns will be given continuous feedback. At the end of the internship, the box can decide who has the best skills and culture fit.

Here are three ways interns help build your community.

1. More Than Coaching

Aside from providing a gym much needed manpower, interns can also take a role in building your tribe. Since internships also tests for culture fit, those who fit the bill are your best candidates to help build a sense of community in your gym.

With interns assisting you in large classes, you can focus more on teaching and building knowledge, while they can focus on making sure that no one is doing things incorrectly.

When you’re teaching basic classes, the interns also relearn and gain the basic coaching skills. We all know that the only way to improve at something is by doing it.

2. Community Through Empathy

The presence of interns can help newbies at your gym become more comfortable.

When you have a great box filled with a lot of amazing people who are super supportive, it’s easy to forget that it’s not an automatic process for everyone. When you’re teaching classes, you may not notice the person who heads straight home when it ends.

Interns are in a position where they are learning something new (in this case, coaching). That makes them relate better to those who are just starting in the box. This empathy can urge interns to make active efforts in reaching out and making the newbies feel included.

3. Group Effort

While coaches build knowledge, interns can build bonds; and make no mistake about it: interns can contribute to the relationships within your box immensely. It truly is a collaborative effort. While you, as the coach or owner, may be responsible for building knowledge, you can work with your interns to grow the community, develop bonds, and create an overall more welcoming environment.

While it’s always nice to add people to your team who already know the ropes, remember that we all start at the beginning. There are a lot of wonderful people out there who belong in a leadership position in the box, but they need a little help. Bringing them into your gym as an intern is a win-win.

Main image: MaxEffort Fitness/Instagram