
“Mobility is about improving your capacity to be in a good position during movement to improve performance and avoid injury” – Kelly Starrett

If you’ve been doing CrossFit for quite a while now, you would know the importance of mobility. If a stiff shoulder is bothering you, PR-ing those snatches and cleans would be even harder, and while you can still WOD through with a tight hip, the feeling is just really uncomfortable. The human body is an awesome machine capable of doing many things, but it can also break down if it’s not mobile enough

Here are the Top 5 Mobility Tools for  your gym bag:

1. Lacrosse Ball – $5.95


The lacrosse ball is a mobility tool that you can use to roll out your sore spots. This ball gets deep into your muscle tissue and softens out any knots and soreness quickly.  You need to do this before you plunge into a shoulder or back-intensive WOD. To prove the effectiveness of this tool, try to do as many double-unders as you can in one minute before and after you work on the lacrosse ball on your shoulders and back. You’ll definitely see the difference!

2. Mobility Compression Floss Band – $19.95

mobility band

Whether you’re a CrossFitter or an athlete seriously training for your respective sport, the Voodoo Floss compression band is a must-have. This band helps in improve your range, restore your joint mechanics and compresses the swelling of tissues. This would come in handy when you’re about to get your 1 rep max in your back/front squat or deadlifts.

3. Foam Rollers – From $24.95


If you visit a CrossFit box and you don’t see any foam rollers, you must be at the wrong place. Foam rollers are perfect for getting deep into those muscle tissues. There are many forms of this tool—namely soft, rubber and trigger point rollers—it’s up to you to use the one that would best give you mobility, recovery and relief. Don’t forget to allot 10 minutes post-WOD for some foam rolling goodness!

4. Massage Stick – $35.00


Similar to a foam roller, a massage stick is a great tool you can use to give yourself a good rub down pre and post WOD. Dubbed as the “toothbrush for muscles”, this is ideal for targeting certain trigger points and specific muscles that are sore and stiff. The massage stick is designed for to treat a low range of tightness, so it’s a good complementary tool,

5. Resistance Bands – From $25.00


Resistance bands are used not only in CrossFit, but also in weightlifting, plyometrics and rehabilitation. These are perfect for all kinds of mobility needs—your shoulders, knees or ever your hips. These are also handy in actual WODs, particularly when you’re doing assisted pull-ups, and make-shift rowers. They’re versatility makes them indispensable tools for both CrossFitters and other athletes.

So there you go, these 5 tools will contribute to your mobility, ensuring that you have the improved capacity to be in a good position during movement to improve performance and avoid injury. Check out The WOD Life store to get a hold of these bad boys! After you purchase them, look around for some mobility workouts and ask your coaches about it to ensure that you are always in optimum condition.