Ladies and gentlemen, the CrossFit Open has begun. 19.1 brings us a 15-minute AMRAP of 19 wall ball shots and a 19-calorie row. The movements themselves are straightforward enough, but maintaining efficiency is key. Here are a few helpful hints so you can dominate the first workout of the Open.

6 Helpful Tips for 19.1

The Wall Ball Shots

1. Use Your Legs to Drive Power

Your legs are stronger than your arms. Use them to launch the ball upward.

2. Remember to Breathe Consistently

We tend to hold our breaths, especially with wall balls. But with such a long workout and so many reps, breathing is crucial to maintaining efficiency.

3. Only Squat Once You’ve Caught the Ball

You want to absorb the weight of the ball, ride it down into your squat, and then bounce out of the bottom. Only begin squatting once the ball has hit your hands.

Want more advice? Read our blog for six tips on mastering wall balls.

The Row

1. Stay Relaxed

Keeping your body relaxed is key! The more you tense up, the more work you’re doing, and the faster you’ll feel the fatigue.

2. Use Your Lower Body

Remember that your arms only finish the movement. You execute the rest of the row by pushing through the pads of the rower and driving hard through your legs.

3. Move the Handle in a Straight Line

Some people “scoop” the rower handle. This is more work! The more direct path between two points is a straight line.

For more tips, check out our blog on tips for rowing more efficiently.

Don’t forget to shop for all the Open essentials with TWL.