Ah, yes. Chippers. We meet again. The strategy is pretty simple: Keep moving. Want to dig a little deeper?

Here are some of the key takeaways.

3 Tips for 20.4 From The Progrm

1. Most of Us Will Need to Be Doing Singles for the Clean and Jerks…

… from the very beginning — yes, even those lighter weights. Because you’ll keep your heart rate down, you might actually move faster (and more consistently) than if you were to attempt bigger sets of touch-and-go with longer rest in between.

2. If You Suspect You’ll Eventually Split Jerk, Warm it Up Before You Start

You don’t want your first reps of split jerks to be when you have the heaviest weights on the barbell.

3. Same With Cleans

Yes, you’ll probably want to power clean as long as you can so that you can save your legs. But you’ll likely need to squat eventually. Similar to the split jerks, you don’t want your first squat cleans to be with heavier weights when you’re seriously fatigued. Prep your body ahead of time!

Watch the full video for more information, and be sure to grab all the gear you’ll need for 20.4. Good luck!