How often do you approach a workout with only the end goal in mind?

We’ve all done it. You want to finish a for-time workout in sub-10 minutes or break 200 reps in that AMRAP you’re about to tackle. Goals are great, and they keep us pushing, but elite athlete Khan Porter wants you to think of something else. Check out this message he shared.

He makes an excellent point, and it’s a sentiment other competitors have echoed – focusing on giving it your all and not what the leaderboard says at the end of the day. It’s a tough pill to swallow, because how can you not obsess over the outcome?

But… an amazing outcome stems from your greatest effort and precise strategy.

So, that’s the new goal for 20.2 and beyond: Become a master of strategy.

Even while preparing for (and crushing) the Open workouts, Porter has also been advocating for mental health — something he has personal experience with and feels very passionately about.

Take care of yourself, mind and body.

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