CrossFit Games Athlete Interview: Alethea Boon
Quick Stats:
- Age: 31
- 2 x CrossFit Games Athlete (2014 team, 2015 individual)
- 1st place All Star Affiliate Team Series (Team Active, 2014)
- 1st place Shape Fit Chick Challenge Sydney (2014)
- Supported by Move Train Perform & Blue Leaf Consulting
- Trains out of CrossFit Active
The CrossFit Games are happening right now and we were lucky enough to catch up with the 2 x Games Athlete, Alethea Boon, for a quick little interview. The competition is fierce this year and Boon is eager to see how she compares to the world’s fittest women at the CrossFit Games 2015.
Read on to see what TWL found out about her accomplishments, what she wants Castro to announce, and how CrossFit differs from being a competitive gymnast. She also shared with us some inside info about a massive tape ball she keeps on her home dresser. It might just be the coolest idea I’ve ever heard.
What was life like before CrossFit?
I’ve always been doing something. I love experiencing new things and this shows as I continue to challenge myself in different aspects of my life whether it is physical or intellectual. I believe new experiences help me grow as a person – plus I just get bored otherwise. I’ve always loved exercising and enjoy picking up new hobbies. I went through a trapeze phase – absolutely loved that!
How does CrossFit training compare with your training as a gymnast?
It’s a different kind of intensity. Gymnastics is precision perfect, whereas CrossFit is volume – get the work in. There was no room for error in gymnastics, here you can at least allow for error, just get the job done. CrossFit is more fun as an adult now.
What does CrossFit mean to you?
It’s fun!
How important do you believe food/nutrition is to being a better athlete?
Every person is different and everyone runs on different fuel. I eat whatever I crave and what works for me. I like a good eye fillet steak, kumara and my greens but I’m not going to lie, Oreos are a staple in my diet.
Any philosophies or models you follow (Paleo, zone, etc)?
What accomplishments are you most proud of in your CrossFit career?
I’ve learnt how to swim. 2 years ago, I could not swim at all. Last year, CrossFit Games 2014 when they announced the team beach swim I wasn’t good at swimming and I was nervous about being in the open ocean. I cried when they announced the WOD and we had a flotation device for that event.
Whats your favorite quote?
“If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.” By comedian Groucho Marx (trust me to like a quote by a comedian.)
What is your secret to being a elite levee CrossFit athlete?
Hmmm… Keep showing up. Get a good coach. Train in a good environment.
What is one thing not many people know about you?
I keep a tape ball. Once I had set the goal to compete for Team Active in 2014 I started the tape ball as a visual representation of the work I put in. Even on bad days, if I could add my used tape to the ball it would give me a sense of achievement knowing that I put work in even if I couldn’t see immediate gain. Our team, Team Active placed 6th in the 2014 Crossfit Games. Not long after that preparation for the next season began which meant a new tape ball for 2015.
Most important thing in your gym bag?
What do you think are the main contributing factors to getting to the point you’re at right now in your CrossFit career?
Having a good Coach – Coach Adam Pirri has been great. Joining a good Box. Having a supportive network like my fiancé. My mum, brother and my sister are also very supportive– my whole family really.
How do you shut out the nerves for big competitions?
I acknowledge the nerves, and then move on.
You’ve been to the games before on a team, how will this trip be different for you?
There is nowhere to hide this year. It’s all me.
What do you NOT want Castro to announce?
He can announce anything. I think I’ve done enough to prepare. I don’t have to win everything, I just have to do well.
What do you want Castro to announce?
Hehe… Upside down movement is always a winner with me.
Where do you see yourself heading?
If I continue to have fun doing CrossFit, then I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.
Any last minute shout outs?
Thank you to Coach Adam Pirri at CrossFit Active for the excellent coaching.
Move Train Perform , Blue Leaf Consulting , and my ever supportive fiancé Lima Auva’a.
We are excited to watch Alethea make a name for herself in Carson, California. Be sure to check out our blog “CrossFit Games Australian’s Viewers Guide” to know when to watch her in all of the action.
You can also find her on Instagram (alethea_boon) and Facebook (Alethea Boon) to follow her through her journey at The Games.