Got pistols?
Pistols often prove to be a challenging movement for people with poor hamstring and ankle mobility. Want to ensure you can progress through pistols to become a pistol ninja? Go through these tips and tricks and watch the tutorial from our friends at Barbell Shrugged!
Main Takeaways
- Push the hips back as you descend.
- Keep your knees out like a traditional squat.
- Lower yourself as low as possible with your heel still touching the ground.
- Sit your butt onto your heel.
- Stand up.
It’s that easy, right?
Mobility Warm-Up
When warming up for pistol squats, here are a few key areas to focus on:
- Hips
- Ankles
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
What are some quality scaling and progression options?
- Rings: combine ring rows and pistols for an easier progression
- Bands: pull you out of the bottom of the movement
- Box/seated pistols: create the opportunity for a partial rep
- Eccentrics: lower yourself down under control, sit on the floor, then stand back up with two legs
Hint: Struggling to hold your balance? Throw on your weightlifting shoes to provide additional ankle stability and support!
Credit: Barbell Shrugged
Photo Credit: CrossFit Games