We’ve talked in the past about the landmine squat and landmine press, and there’s another one we want to add to the list: the landmine row. Let’s break it down and talk about some of the benefits.

What is the Landmine Row?

When we use the word “landmine,” we’re talking about securing one end of the barbell and working only with the free end. This concept can be applied to the traditional row. (You’ve probably done dumbbell rows in the past.) First, check out what it looks like, so you know what we’re dealing with:

What you’re going to do is secure one end of the barbell into a landmine attachment. If you don’t have one, one hack is to cut open a tennis ball and stick it onto the end of the barbell. This makes it easier to row and also protects both the barbell and the floor.

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You then load the free end of the barbell with your desired weight. And in terms of your set-up, you’re good to go!

How to Do the Landmine Row

Let’s break this down into a few simple steps:

  1. After setting up your weights, stand with your toes roughly aligned with the plates.
  2. Deadlift the barbell to your starting position, meaning you’re at full extension.
  3. Soften your knees and hinge at the hips so your torso is at about 45 degrees.
  4. Pull your hands toward your chest to execute the landmine row.

4 Tips for the Landmine Row

The exercise is straightforward enough. You can either grab the end of the barbell with your hands or use an extra attachment, as the athlete does in the video above.

Here are a few extra tips for getting the most out of the landmine row:

  1. Keep your core/back engaged throughout the entire exercise. If your shoulders or midsection are sagging, you’re not on tension.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  3. Keep your spine, neck, and head neutral. This ensures you’re in a safe and comfortable alignment. You should neither be looking all the way down nor all the way up.
  4. Avoid kipping, meaning you’re using momentum and bouncing to get the barbell up. If you can’t perform the row with your own natural strength, then you probably need to go down in weight.

Why We Love It

Similar to dumbbell and barbell rows, the landmine row is excellent for building upper body strength. You can’t maintain the right position without engaging your core. And the muscles of your shoulders and back have to work hard to bring the barbell toward your chest. The landmine row will challenge your:

  • Delts.
  • Traps.
  • Lats.
  • Erector spinae.
  • Glutes.

Yes, even your glutes! They’re going to keep your lower body stabilized.

The landmine row is going to offer a different sensation compared to the traditional row. Give it a shot and let us know what you think. If you need to stock up on the necessary equipment, head over to the store and grab what you need.