You can probably guess what the snatch grip deadlift is, but do you know what the benefits are and why you should be doing them? In this blog, let’s break down the movement and talk about how it can help you in the gym.

Note: Even if you’re not an Olympic weightlifter, the snatch grip deadlift is still a good idea for you!

How to Do the Snatch Grip Deadlift

If you can snatch and you can deadlift, then you can deadlift with a snatch grip. Here’s how it goes:

  1. Stand with shins next to the bar, feet about shoulder-width apart (perhaps a little wider), and your knees soft.
  2. Grip the bar where you normally would for a snatch. A wider grip means that you’re going to have to travel lower to meet the bar. Your hips will end up being approximately parallel with the ground. Your shoulders should be above the bar.
  3. Squeezing your lats and keeping the bar close, extend your knees until the barbell is at your knees. Then, straighten your torso and knees to stand up to full extension.
  4. To return the weight, soften your knees and hinge forward at the hips until the barbell is at your knees.
  5. Bend your knees until the barbell meets the ground. This completes one rep.

We know that it sounds like a lot of details, and if you overthink it, you can make it harder than it truly is. Really, Steps 3-5 help you stay in the proper alignment so that your hips don’t shoot up before your back, or vice versa. But this is still a deadlift. Pick the weight up and set it down. That’s the main goal.

Here’s what it looks like:

5 Benefits of the Snatch Grip Deadlift

You’re not going to be able to deadlift as much with a snatch grip as you can with a traditional lift. It’s a different stimulus and offers a ton of benefits.

  1. It’s excellent for building strength in the posterior chain.
  2. It’s a spicy quad workout.
  3. It’ll help you snatch more since it both improves your positioning/technique and builds strength.
  4. Your deadlift numbers will also go up!
  5. Due to the wider grip, your lats have to work even harder, making this a great lat exercise.
  6. You get to practice being patient off the floor. Ripping the barbell off the ground sets you up for a poor or failed snatch. Patience is key.
  7. You can use this to strengthen your grip. Rely on your own strength for more moderate weights and higher reps. But as the weight climbs and the reps go down, it might be smart to use weightlifting straps. Tape and chalk can help, too.

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Note that weightlifting belts aren’t super common for this one. It’s rare for an athlete to wear one to snatch, and the same usually goes for the snatch deadlift.

Take your time with the snatch grip deadlift! This is the part of the snatch that athletes often struggle with. Take your time, feel the burn, and you’re going to build significant strength.