Now that you’ve had some time to chew on the first workout of the 2020 Open, let’s look at this a little more closely.

The weights aren’t meant to be heavy. The two movements involved — burpees and ground-to-overhead – aren’t super technical. If anything, 20.1 is a great way to start the Open, particularly since you have some flexibility in deciding exactly how you’ll get the barbell overhead.

Why, then, is this going to be such a spicy one?

For starters, it’s a lot of up and down – literally. Both ground-to-overhead and burpees get your body moving a lot. It’s taxing in a way that’s different from something like, say, double-unders, where you’re not actually moving all that much.

Add to that the fact that you’re (ideally) moving the entire time — and hopefully at a consistent pace — and you’ve got a real tough workout to tackle.

So, what’s your plan of attack? Here’s some expert help from our friends at The Progrm.

To recap:

  • Stick with power snatches, not muscle snatches. They won’t wear you out as quickly.
  • For your burpees, step up to the bar before you jump over it. Stay low.
  • Pacing is everything! Aim to stay close to your redline, hold it until round 8 or 9, and then push through until the end.
  • Transition smoothly by following the barbell down from the last snatch into the first burpee.

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