It’s Friday night. You’re at the bar and you look up. Through a cloud of chalk dust, there she is. The moment you lay eyes on her, you know she can hold her own. She does not let jerks get the better of her. She is strong and evades commitment issues. She is fit and can probably outrun any immediate danger. She is agile, coordinated, and refined. She is a vision under the fluoro lights of a high-ceiling warehouse.

OK, enough with the Mills & Boon. Here are the top 10 reasons why fitness chicks make for the perfect significant other.

10 Reasons to Date a Fitness Chick

10 — She won’t get in the way of your workouts and she sure as hell won’t let you get in the way of hers. Whether you are getting up early to train or late getting home from training or you spend your Sundays at a bro sesh, you will hear no complaints or objections from this one. (She is either with you or doing her own thing.)

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9 — “Babe, can I borrow your grips?” said no couple ever. That’s right. Whatever you forget to bring to training, she’s got it in her kit bag. Probably two of them. You will never train without the right kit again, so your training will naturally improve exponentially, thanks to the inherent preparedness of your fitness chick girlfriend. What a gal.

8 — Food Part 1: Quantity. Oh, the food you will eat! She will probably have a BMR in excess of 1,500 calories, plus the roughly 600 to 700 calories burned in a WOD. So that is well over 2,000 calories. Yeah, she will be up for a three-course meal any day of the week, and she won’t be shy about finishing it in front of you.

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7 — Food Part 2: Quality. She knows her way around the kitchen and can cook the good stuff. It is highly unlikely that you will wake up to anything but the smell of bacon on a rest day. Her protein oats? They will be the best you have ever tasted. And how on Earth does she make the salmon taste so good? Stick around and you might find out.

6 — Shoes. Probably not great for the budget or wardrobe space, because between the two of you, both will become limited when there is no one to talk you out of a new pair of Adipowers (his n hers — or hers n hers — obviously), the latest Romaleos, oh and some matching metcons because, you know, #couplesthatwearmatchingshoesandtraintogether…

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5 — While shoes might impact the budget, the money you will save by sharing a ROMWOD account will definitely add up. Or come close. Sort of. Regardless, who doesn’t want to spend a Sunday evening with their significant other getting swole and flexy?

4 — Girl can hold all her own bags. You might have to think of other ways to keep the chivalry alive, but it is a small price to pay when you only have to make one trip between you to get all the groceries inside.

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3 — Partner WODs tend to go up a notch when you are smashing through them with the one who makes your heart skip a beat. Of course, being able to train together and become perfectly in sync, knowing how to spur each other on, etc., etc., make a huge bonus, too. Before you know it, you will be “that unbeatable couple” at the box.

2 — Booty shorts. That’s all.

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1 — She is strong (and probably stronger than your mates) physically and mentally. She is tough, resilient, capable, and determined. She is good for your ego, and together, you will go from strong to stronger. (It would be remiss not to mention her physique at this point. The fitness chick epitomises strength. She’s got a banging bod because she puts a lot of time and effort into it.)

Good luck on wooing one of these unicorns.