At The WOD Life, you can find all sorts of products to help you become the best version of yourself, in and out of the gym. That includes nutrition and supplements. You may have noticed that recently, one line of products we carry underwent a makeover. Say goodbye to PurePharma, and hello to Puori.

PurePharma began in 2009, with the desire to use scientific research to create only the cleanest and purest supplements. They quickly grew a powerful fanbase, including newbies and professional athletes alike. Over the years, they came to realize that “PurePharma” didn’t fully embody what they were all about: pure origins. Thus, Puori was born, and it beautifully reflects their philosophy.

As usual, Puori uses natural ingredients of the world, always steering clear of artificial colors, preservatives, and fillers. They want you to reach your highest potential and offer a holistic approach to wellness you won’t find elsewhere.

Shop for Puori with TWL today.