All of our proportions are different. Some of us have wider hips than others. Some have shorter femurs. These slight but important distinctions between us mean we will each set up for our lifts differently because our bodies bend and move in unique ways. Factor in how each athlete will feel comfortable with different positions, and you have countless ways to perform one lift. This was something Brooke Ence touched on in a recent Instagram video. After trying to change her snatch start position, she reverted back to what she already knows.

If is not broken, don’t fix it . I have spent a period of time TRYING to change my start position in my Snatch to a more narrow stance. A “typical” start position if you will; feet directly under my hips. Well, that position is just NOT for me. I am faster and stronger with a slightly wider start position . WHY DID I TRY TO CHANGE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? Well, I wanted to be better about “jumping” or “moving my feet”. Turns out I can still have some movement even though my foot position barely changes. ?? at least now I can say that I CAN use a couple different t positions but I know for certain which one I will be the most successful with. ? wide stance with that deep catch… mmhmm ????? Guest coach / hype appearance: @jeanna_cianciarulo ? #itmakesence #weightlifting

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Main image: Brooke Ence/Instagram