CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 – Tips & Tricks
The CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 is here and it’s game time! The WOD Life have compiled some tips & tricks from the best in the business, achieve your best, gain those extra reps and maybe even hit a PR on your Clean & Jerk.
Key Tips for CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 & 15.1A
Tip 1: Warm Up the Clean and Jerk
As part of your warm up, get moving on some moderately heavy single clean and jerks. Get used to the movement and feel comfortable. This should be the last thing you do before you start 15.1.
Once you are comfortable, ensure all your weight plates are set next to the barbell to limit transition times before starting 15.1A.
Tip 2: Maximise Grip
Grip and fatigue are going to be the limited factors in this workout. To preserve your grip, it is smart to break up the toes to bars into manageable sets with a pace and rhythm that can be maintained throughout the workout. There is no point going unbroken on the first two sets and then hitting a wall and having to drop and do singles.
Don’t forget to tape up and maintain a hook grip for the snatches and deadlifts. This will help you manage your grip and fatigue, which you will need absolutely everything the toes to bar.
Tip 3: Minimise Rest Periods
The aim here is not necessarily to go unbroken (if you can, awesome) but rather to keep moving at a consistent pace you can hold throughout the whole workout without. Find your redline and stay just below that threshold. Give yourself short breaks where necessary (five to ten seconds), but ensure you get back onto the bar quickly.
If you drop off the bar count down from five to one and get back into it. With every second and every rep counting, it’s important to keep moving! If you need, we recommend break the snatches up into smooth, efficient and quick singles.
Tip 4: Be Smart with the Clean and Jerk
With warming up your clean and jerk before 15.1, you should be confident of starting off your first lift. We recommend you start at a weight you can comfortably hit 60-65% so you can get your body prepared and nervous system ready.
Split the 6 minutes up, so you can aim to hit 3-4 lifts working your way to 90 to 100% of your 1RM. The jerk is going to be the most challenging, as your midline stability from 15.1 is going to be shot and your forearms smoked from the toes to bar.
Tip 5: Manage Heart Rate & Maximise Score
Remember, this workout is split into two separately scored events! In many CrossFit Open workouts, it would be suggested that you go all out and empty the tank on the last 1-2 minutes. However with the introduction of the 1RM Clean & Jerk, you will not be able to do this. Ensure that you pace accordingly during 15.1 to be successful and maximise your score for 15.1A.
Utilise the deadlifts as an “active recovery”, focusing on your breathing and lowering your heart rate. Remember, to move smoothly and take a breath on each rep. You will need it for the other movements.
Once you have completed 15.1, calm yourself down and prepare for the clean and jerk. If your midline is shot, throw on a belt, keep your t-shirt on for grip and keep to the schedule of hitting 3-4 lifts in the 6 minute time allocation.
CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 – The Strategy Breakdown
Warmup – Light Aerobic 10-15 Minutes Long
Activation – Posterior Chain and Lats
Warmup on Clean and Jerks – Build to 2nd Lift or 60% of C&J
Part 1
9 Minute AMRAP
Depending on the type of athlete, here is what i recommend:
Advice: Beginner to Intermediate Athletes
Toes 2 Bar- Break up in 3 sets of 5 with EXACTLY 5 second rest between
Deadlifts – 2 sets x 5 with a 3 second rest (Preserving the Grip)
Snatch – Hit in singles or doubles or big chunks
Pacing – Try to hit 1 round every 1:45-2 Minutes = 4-5 Rounds
Advice: Intermediate to Advance Athletes
Toes 2 Bar- Break up in two sets of 9 and 6 with EXACTLY 5 Second rest between
Deadlifts – Unbroken Slow and steady, breath and don’t fly on them. this is the time to slow your heart rate down. If you have weak grip strength, break up in 2 sets of 5 with a quick 3 second rest.
Snatch – 5 Unbroken or 3 and 2 with 3-5 Second Rest. Focus on using your Quads to drive the bar. Save the arms for Toes 2 Bar.
Pacing- Try 1 Round every 1:20-1:30 Seconds = 6 Total Rounds
CrossFit Open Workout 15.1A – The Breakdown
6 Minutes to Establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk
Advice: Beginner to Intermediate Athletes
This is no time to get to a 1RM, you will be given 3 attempts to build to a moderate lift
Leave the Barbell as is from Part 1 and add weight to it.
1st Lift – Hit a lift you can easily do, recommend 40-60% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk
2nd Lift – this should be a moderate lift (recommend 60-70% of 1RM Clean and Jerk)
3rd Lift (Final Lift) – this should a moderate/heavy lift (recommend 70-80% of 1RM Clean and Jerk)
Pacing recommendations
1 lift Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes
0-2 Minutes – Lift 1
2-4 Minutes – Lift 2
4-6 Minutes – Lift 3
Many will need to squat clean and jerk because the grip will be to fatigued to power clean.
Remember not to rush the lift and take your time. Im giving you plenty of time by hitting a lift every 2 minutes while still slowing down your heart rate from part 1.
Advice: Intermediate to Advance Athletes
Leave the barbell as is and add to it from part 1
1st Lift – C&J @ 50-60%
2nd Lift – C&J @ 75-80%
3rd Lift – C&J @85-90%
4th Optional Lift
Pacing Recommendations
1 Lift Every 1:30 for 6 minutes (4 Lifts)
0:1:30 – Lift 1
1:30-3:00 – Lift 2
3:00-4:30 Lift 3
4:30-6:00 Lift 4
Carl Paoli – Kipping Toes to Bar – Part 1
Carl Paoli – Kipping Toes to Bar – Part 2
Barbell WOD – Tips & Strategy
Outlaw Way – Indepth look at movements & strategy
Athlete Cell – Strategy & Warm Up / Cool Down