Practicing your rope work takes patience, commitment. One must be okay with leaving the box with red whip marks covering their arms and legs. While your technique is undoubtedly crucial, the rope you pick also plays a tremendous role in your progress. Finding the right fit for you is crucial.

Oftentimes, athletes pick any old rope and settle for that. In actuality, though, this is an important tool, and not all ropes are created equally. For instance, one thing we’ve noticed before is low-quality ropes made with material so light that the rope can’t even weigh itself down. These ropes also — after being rolled up and stored in your bag — tend to retain that shape, meaning even once you unravel them for use, they don’t lay flat.

This is bad news for the athlete, who will quickly get tangled in the mess.

A quality rope can make all the difference in the world. Not sure where to start? Here are our top three picks and what we love about them.

3 Speed Ropes Athletes Love

The Cyclone Super Speed Rope

jump rope
You can’t go wrong with this one. It’s easily adjustable, making it simple to find the perfect length for you. Forget about ropes that are too short or ones that drag on the ground and slow you down. The Cyclone is light and fast — two things that will work in your favor when you’re trying to cycle through double-unders. Because the rope spins faster and with less effort, you don’t have to jump as high. In the end, it makes for less work on your part.

Plus, the ergonomic handles make for a perfectly comfortable grip — something many athletes don’t expect to be an issue when they start knocking out their double-unders. Yes, the movement can be taxing on your grip! Handles matter.

The Revo Speed Rope

revo speed rope

What is there to say about the Revo Speed Rope? We love the handles because they’re the perfect size and are also made with knurling, to ensure a proper grip even during the sweatiest of WODs. It rotates more efficiently than many speed ropes, thanks to its external dual axis bearing, which decreases the stress on the cable and allows it to spin more smoothly.

This rope moves quickly but stays balanced, allowing you to stay in control and move efficiently. It makes double-unders so much more effortless that you can actually use them as rest time during your WOD.

Even the tallest athlete can easily adjust this rope to a comfortable settling — no fiddling required.

The Ultra Speed Jump Rope

twl ultra speed jump rope

The Ultra Speed Jump Rope is everything a speed rope needs to be: durable, easy to adjust, fast, and compact. This is a no-nonsense rope perfect for the athlete who’s ready to get down to business.

Sometimes, finding the right gear takes a little trial and error. Play around with the different kinds to see what feels best for you.

Want to work on your double-unders more? We love this WOD! Here’s Khan Porter with a little extra help.