The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. 22.1 was announced and the 2022 CrossFit Open has officially started!

This is only Week 1, but we’re looking at a lot of reps. Open workout 22.1 is a 15-minute AMRAP, and you know the goal with AMRAPs: Just keep moving, even if it’s slow. In other words, your shoulders will burn. Your quads will burn. Your lungs will burn. Your life will burn.

The name of the game? Breathe. Pace yourself. And take it one rep at a time.

Here it is, folks.

CrossFit Open Workout 22.1

Let’s jump right in with tips and gear recommendations.

5 Tips for Open Workout 22.1

Moving nonstop for 15 minutes is a lot, and this workout is going to challenge all of your muscle groups. Here are a few helpful hints.

1. Set Your Equipment Up for Smoother Transitions

Efficiency between each movement is key, and there’s potential to fall behind on reps here.

Take notes from the setup we saw in the live announcement with Noah Ohlsen and Patrick Vellner going head to head. Behind the box were their dumbbells, and behind that, the wall.

Of course, try different setups to see what works best for you. But ideally, you can move seamlessly from one movement to the next. This will shave off precious seconds. Before you start the timer, practice one or two rounds to make sure it’s as efficient as possible.

2. Work Smart, Not Hard, on the Box Jump-Overs

Box jump-overs take a lot out of you, but let’s talk about your technique here.

At the top of the box, avoid standing up all the way. This takes more time. When you jump up onto the box and land in a squat, simply step off.

And that’s another thing: While you have to jump onto the box and land with both feet at the same time, you’re allowed to step down. Try it this way — your lungs will thank you.

3. Keep Your Core Tight on the Wall Walks

We know that the wall walks are going to destroy our shoulders. You can take the edge off by keeping your core tight. If you don’t, then the middle of your body is going to sag down toward the floor. This creates more work for your arms and shoulders to try to get your body up against the wall.

Squeeze your abs throughout the movement and think of keeping your body in a straight line.

4. Start Slower Than You Think You Need To

Ohlsen came out of the gate hot and held the lead for the majority of the live announcement. But Vellner isn’t to be dismissed. He appeared to be moving slightly slower, but you know what they say: Slow and steady wins the race. And in the end, Vellner won!

You’re going to feel so fresh and amazing in the beginning. But like we said, 15 minutes is a long time to be moving. Stay calm. Pace yourself. Hold back in the beginning, and you’ll have more in the tank for later on so that you can finish strong.

5. Use Your Legs on the Dumbbell Snatches

When you’re coming off those wall walks, your shoulders are going to be feeling it, big time. Remember that with dumbbell snatches, it’s largely your lower body that helps get the weight overhead. And then your upper body finishes.

Really lean into this power and explosiveness to give your muscles a break. Think of jumping the dumbbell up, not muscling it up.

Recommended Gear and Equipment for Open Workout 22.1

Alright, now that we’ve gone over tips, let’s talk gear and equipment! Here are some of our recommendations.

1. Dumbbell

Here’s the good news: You only need one! Shop our full selection of dumbbells. If you only have a kettlebell, that’ll work too. But keep in mind that kettlebell snatches are very different, more technical, and might take a second longer.

2. Plyo Box

Most functional fitness gyms have your standard wood plyo box. However, padded boxes are also available (to the relief of shins everywhere). View our collection of plyo boxes. (And remember, it’s okay to scale if the prescribed height is a bit much for you.)

3. Wrist Wraps

These will provide stability and protect your joints during the wall walks and dumbbell snatches. The added compression means that your post-WOD soreness and recovery might also be better. And recovery is crucial during the Open.

Check out all of our available wrist wraps.

4. Tape

This is only the first workout, so we need to do everything possible to save our grip. Especially if you’re planning on using the hook grip for the dumbbell snatches, a strip of tape around your thumbs will go a long way. View all of our finger tape.

5. Chalk

While there’s no barbell or pull-up bar work in this event, sweaty hands won’t work well for the wall walks and dumbbell snatches. Chalk comes in a variety of forms — including quick-drying liquid, which is perfect if you’re training somewhere you need to be mindful of the mess you leave behind. See our full selection of chalk.

6. Timer

If you’re not training at a commercial gym, you might not have a timer nearby. We recommend the Tiny Timer by James Newbury. It’s magnetic and comes with a fully adjustable tripod, remote, and charging cable. It’s easy to take with you and set up, no matter where you’re tackling 22.1 from.

That’s all we’ve got for you for now, friends. The best tip we can possibly give you? Have fun! Enjoy the workout and let us know how it goes.