Functional fitness and weightlifting are wonderful for women. It’s an area where ladies are encouraged to focus on what their bodies can do, as opposed to what they look like. Whereas magazines and pop culture want women to be stick thin and vulnerable, functional fitness and weightlifting tell us to be strong, capable, confident. There is much inspiration to be found in the world of sports, and women are often praised for their powerful physiques. Unfortunately, there is still an expectation for women to be lean; and Sarah Robles is here to talk about it.

Robles, a weightlifter and two-time Olympian, lifts in the 90kg+ weight class, and certain critical voices on social media won’t let her forget her size. Robles has proven time and time again that she’s to be taken seriously in the world of Olympic weightlifting, but that hasn’t silenced the haters. After taking to Instagram to talk about negative comments she’s received, Robles is officially on a mission to prove that regardless of size, all women are allowed to feel beautiful. While she’s been recognized for her accomplishments on the platform, now her posts are going viral for an entirely new reason.

Taking myself on a date! IT ?

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“Too wide for your narrow mind” and that’s alright. #outfitofdoom @lularoe carly size 3x #lularoe Joy size L

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She’s different than the Mattie Rogers and Jessica Luceros of the Olympic weightlifting world — two more awe-inspiring athletes. With their washboard abs and chiseled features, it’s too easy for some admirers to deem them better than lifters in a heavier weight class. But this is one of the best parts of Olympic lifting: it doesn’t matter what you look like. It matters what you can lift.

Robles serves as the reminder we all need: you are beautiful. You are worthy of love. Get dressed up. Take pictures of your cute outfits. Feel confident. Nobody else determines your worth as a human being. Whether you’re teeny, tiny Morghan King, Rogers or Lucero with their enviable quads, or the #bigboldandbeautiful Robles (as she likes to say), be proud of what you’ve got!

Main image: CBS DFW/Facebook