Could one of Australia’s greatest athletes be making her way stateside? According to CrossFit, possibly. In a Games update, Sean Woodland, Tommy Marquez, and Rory McKernan revealed Tia-Clair Toomey might very well be following the lead of other top competitors and heading to Cookeville, Tennessee for the 2019 season. You can skip to the 6:40 mark to hear more about it.

The graphic that appears on their screen indicates Toomey is headed for Cookeville, although later on, McKernan discusses it as a possibility. At the time of this blog, nothing has been confirmed and Toomey hasn’t spoken on it — although she did just post an interestingly timed photo on Instagram.

While Australia would be sad to see Tia go, she certainly wouldn’t be the first athlete to make her way to Cookeville. Rich Froning lives there, Mat Fraser moved there, and Sara Sigmundsdottir, Dan Bailey, and James Hobart all trained there.

It’s probably not Cookeville itself that’s drawing athletes there, but rather the athletes themselves. As the hosts explained, what competitive athlete wouldn’t want to train with the best in their sport?

Stay tuned.

Main image: Tia-Clair Toomey/Instagram