Each year, the CrossFit Open kicks off a new week with a live announcement from different boxes around the world. Starting February 22, at 5:00 p.m. PT, Dave Castro will announce the week’s event, and previously selected athletes will compete against each other to set the first scores of the week. CrossFitters of all levels have anxiously awaited the announcement of the venues, and they’re finally here.

Week 1

The 2018 CrossFit Open will kick off with 18.1 being announced at Ginasio Poliesportivo Dr. Antonio Leme Nunes Galvao, in São Paulo, Brazil.

Week 2

18.2 will be held at Gibsonia, Pennsylvania’s CrossFit R.A.W.

Week 3

18.3 will take the Open to Houston, Texas, with the live announcement taking place at Skyline CrossFit.

Week 4

You can catch the announcement for 18.4 at CrossFit Fury out of Goodyear, Arizona.

Week 5

18.5, the final event of the 2018 CrossFit Open, will be announced live from CrossFit Reykjavík in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Other Important Notes

While tickets will be available for sale for 18.1 (at a later date), there will be no tickets sold to the public for the live events of 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, and 18.5. You can still watch all of the announcements online! More ticketing information, as well as the release of the athlete choices, will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

Main image: CrossFit Max Effort/Facebook