Busy work schedules, family responsibilities, and travel can make getting to the gym a real challenge, but you can’t put your health on the back burner. It helps to have workouts you can do any time, anywhere, with zero equipment. We’ve got a good one from Games champion Rich Froning, who recently tackled this WOD while on the road.


  • Burpees
  • Alternate leg V-ups
  • Step-ups

This workout requires no equipment and no extra weight, but don’t think that means it’s easy. Should you not have anything to use for step-ups, try swapping them out for alternating stationary lunges. You can do this WOD anywhere — your hotel room, your living room, even your office! Make time for fitness, and your body will thank you.

Find the perfect music for your sweat sesh — check out TWL’s Spotify playlists for the best tunes to make gainz to.

Main image: Rich Froning/Instagram