If fitness is truly functional, that means anyone can do it. If you are new to the wonderful world of WODs, here are a few beginner-friendly functional fitness workouts to get you started.

8 Beginner-Friendly Functional Fitness Workouts

Workout 1

15-minute AMRAP
200-meter run
15 deadlifts
5 strict pull-ups

AMRAP means “as many reps/rounds as possible,” so set the timer for 15 minutes and get to work. When the time is up, your score is the total rounds and the number of reps into the next round that you completed.

Can’t do strict pull-ups? Modify by using a band or doing ring rows instead.

Workout 2

Wall balls
Kettlebell swings

Do 21 burpees, 21 walls balls, and 21 kettlebell swings, then 15 burpees, 15 walls balls, 15 kettlebell swings, etc. Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout.

Workout 3

8 rounds (12 minutes)
20 seconds – jump rope (singles or double-unders)
10-second rest
20 seconds – goblet squat
10-second rest
20 seconds – sit-ups
10-second rest

Work for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds and move onto the next movement. For the goblet squat, hold a kettlebell upside-down in front of you. Your score is your total number of reps.

Workout 4

500-meter row
60 walking lunges (total – 30 per leg)
40 box jump-overs
30 push press
20 bar-facing burpees
10 strict pull-ups
500-meter row

For box jump-overs, either jump all the way over the box and land on the floor on the other side or jump onto the box and step down on the other side. Try to complete your second row in less time than your first row. Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout.

Workout 5

Half Cindy – 10-minute AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Ten minutes shorter than the full Cindy benchmark workout, this AMRAP will still probably leave your limbs feeling like lead. Your score is your total completed rounds and reps.

Workout 6

Two rounds for time
5 burpees
20 dumbbell bent-over rows
5 burpees
20 dumbbell strict press
5 burpees
30 lunges (total – 15 per leg)
5 burpees
1-minute plank

Use the same weight for the rows that you do for the strict press. This workout is all about core engagement, so focus on belly breathing and keeping your core muscles awake and active. Your score is your time.

Workout 7

For time
15 push-ups
25 V-ups
35 dumbbell snatches (total)
50 dumbbell box step-ups
35 dumbbell snatches
25 V-ups
15 push-ups

Alternate hands for the snatch. Aim to use the same dumbbell weight for the box step-ups that you did for the dumbbell snatches (with a dumbbell in each hand), but if that is too heavy, scale down the weight just for the step-ups. Your score is your time.

Workout 8

4-minute EMOM: 8 thrusters
Rest one minute
4-minute EMOM: 10 front-rack lunges (total – 5 per leg)
Rest one minute
4-minute EMOM: 12 jump squats
Finish with max effort push-ups — as many as you can do consecutively

Use the same weight for both thrusters and lunges. No weight for the jump squats. No score for this one — just get all the way through and pat yourself on the back.

Whether you are trying functional fitness for the first time or you’re returning from an injury, these beginner-friendly workouts should be enough to raise your heart rate and challenge your strength. What are your favorite go-to workouts?