Resistance band training offers many benefits, one of which is endless versatility. One common banded exercise is the monster walk. Let’s break down how to do a monster walk with a band, tips for technique, and some of the benefits.

To perform this movement, you’re going to need a mini resistance band.

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How to Do a Monster Walk with a Band

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. You are literally walking. So, all you need is a bit of space. If it’s enough to take a few steps and then turn around, you’re good to go. Here’s what the monster walk with a band looks like.

Let’s break it down into a few easy steps! (See what we did there? Steps?)

  1. Step into the mini resistance band and place it around your ankles. The wide/thicker the band, the more challenging this exercise will be. The narrower/thinner, the easier.
  2. Set your stance. The band should always be on tension! So, place your feet wide enough so that the band is taut around your ankles.
  3. Get into an athletic position by softening your knees and folding over slightly at the waist.
  4. Start walking forward. Maintain the tightness of the band by keeping your feet at roughly the same width the entire time.
  5. Perform the monster walk with a band for either a set amount of time (3 x 30s) or reps/rounds (3 rounds x 20 steps). Remember that since this is low-impact, the volume (meaning the time you spend or the reps you do) should be higher.

And that’s it! Note that you can also place the band just above or below your knees (never directly on the knee joint!). This will make the monster walk easier if you need a way to scale it down further.

athletes performing monster walk with band

Banded Monster Walk: Muscles Used

It might not look all that grueling, but rest assured the banded monster walk might leave you sore the next day. Resistance band exercises are low-impact and great for targeting tinier muscles. More specifically, they will challenge your:

Very commonly, athletes use monster walks with a band during their warmups as a glute activation exercise. While some of these muscles might not seem all that significant, make no mistake about it. They play a huge role. For instance, weak or tight hip flexors can lead to problems in the glutes and even lower back pain. If you sit a lot, the negative side effects will be compounded. While resistance bands might not be the highlight of your workout (although they could be), they work beautifully for warmups, cooldowns, and active rest days. Especially because resistance bands are compact and easy to carry around, they make the perfect training buddy.

The monster walk with a band is just one of many resistance band exercises that we love to incorporate into our programming on a regular basis. In addition to mini bands, don’t forget to grab a few full-length resistance bands for even more exercises you can do at home or the gym.

Be sure to read on blog on banded stretches for healthier hips!