Want to cap off the week with a real grip killer? Take a page out of Alec Smith’s book and try this gymnastics WOD that takes place entirely on the pull-up bar.

Every 3 Minutes for 4 Rounds

  • 7 toes-to-bar
  • 7 pull-ups
  • 7 chest-to-bar
  • 7 pull-ups
  • 7 toes-to-bar
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Considering the WOD, one goal should be to get through each round as fast as possible, in order to maximize your rest time.

Many of us won’t have the strength or engine to go unbroken like Smith. If you need to break these reps up, aim for sets of three and four, with minimal rest in between.

Toes-to-bar can be scaled down to knee tucks, hanging knee raises, or even hanging from the bar.

Pulls-ups and chest-to-bar pull-ups can be scaled down to the strict movement using a band. This gives you an opportunity to build strength while practicing the movement. Just be sure to transition quickly in and out of the band, or you’ll lose precious seconds.

Your hands are going to take a real beating on this one. Make sure to head to the box prepared with your favorite grips! They’ll help you prevent rips and tears and also keep your skin protected so you can knock out your programming faster and with greater ease.

Lastly, don’t start the clock until you’ve picked the right music. Check out TWL’s Spotify playlists for the best tunes to sweat to.

Have a good WOD!

Main image: Alec Smith/Instagram